In Memory of





Condolence From: Bev and Tom Thompson
Condolence: We are so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful life George had. Full of hard work and love of the Lord, family and friends. What more could be aspired for? May your hearts be comforted by your many sweet memories.
Saturday October 24, 2015
Condolence From: Glenn & Gay Allen
Condolence: I am so sorry for your loss. George was such a nice and fun man to know. He always had a smile and a greeting. I have known George since I was 10 years when he came into my dad's store on his way home from work. Always smiling! He will be missed by all.
Friday October 23, 2015
Condolence From: Marcy & Brian
Condolence: George was always a good man and always smiled. My parents always bought dog food and eggs off him through the years. He had always been a pleasure to know, he will be missed.
Friday October 23, 2015
Condolence From: Albert W Fox
Condolence: Sending deepest condolences to all the Fox family. George was my mentor growing up and taught me so many things as a young boy. He taught me not only how to coon hunt and how to farm, but how to drive a tractor and to be a hard worker. He instilled in me many things that I value today. I will always remember my Uncle as a hard worker, teacher and good friend. Our lives get busy as we grow older with family and friends and work and somehow we lose track of those we once cherished in our lives...and I personally will always remember this man who help make me into the hard worker he intended me to be. He may be gone, but not forgotten. Rest in peace my friend.... Lil Albert
Thursday October 22, 2015
Condolence From: Rose Renner
Condolence: George and Opal were married long before there was me. So there has always been "George". I heard my Daddy say once that he would give you the shirt off his back with out even thinking of what it would mean for him. He was a hard worker and everyone liked him. Rarely in life does one find such a man about which these things can be said. He started out with nothing and ended up owned a farm and a feed store. Oh, and I can't fail to mention his coon dogs. They were his enjoyment in life. Everyone knew George always had dogs.
Thursday October 22, 2015